
Saturday, March 20, 2010

20th March 2010

20th March..
A day after my father's birthday..
My Aunt Valerie birthday..
and now..
its my poor Mickey (Syrian hampster) death day..

It was a shocking morning, to wake up and find your "son" died, with its head almost severed off. Blood was splattered everywhere..I could even see his veins popping out.
All left from his cute little head, was his front mouth..I do not understand could this happen? what causes it? When it happened? It was okay the night before (in fact it was this early morning, 3am that I left them alone downstairs). Images of Mickey doing some of his usual masculine stunts flashes across my heads & eyes.

Next, we turned to Minnie..Guess what? She's soundly asleep in her Home. It was as if nothing had happened. She's the only one staying with Mickey all these while. Surely there's no other predator out there in the living room, since she's still safe and sound. Then, to my horror (although very much expected), I saw her reddish Vampire fangs and the claws of the Siberian Eagle. All dressed up in Mickey's blood. Quickly bathe her up, couldn't believe what is happening.
After all, it was almost about a month they were staying together. It was only few days ago that we caught them making out. Now, Minnie ATE Mickey??? This is too hard to digest...

Me and Dear was supposed to be out shopping/dating by then, but because of this incident, we only managed to have our lunch at 4.30pm (no breakfast). We decided we still need that outing to release some of the stress/trauma. Dear recommend me to some cafe called the clinic cafe, but then again, seeing all the male doctors just isn't appetizing. The movie we watched was hilarious but I know there's something just ain't right today in my heart.

All in all...we did enjoyed ourselves very much, with the relax great dinner. Managed to drop by at Tambun for its fresh seafoods. We were again very lucky because we reached there at 10.45pm, and they closed at 11pm. It was a rainy night, and the road had changed so much. If I had missed another turn, probably there goes our dinner.

p/s- Just want to dedicate this special page to my Mickey..I really miss you deep down inside. The first look that you pierced into my eyes the moment you "pop out" of my fingers will remain forever.

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