
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Petrol chaos

it really bogs me with the latest news that we, citizens of net exporter fuel country are actually paying much more than the world market. What has happen to the previous state where that SLEEPY PM has promised a 30cents subsidy to us? Now not a voice is heard from him regarding this issue. Even if u damn Govt wants to remove the subsidy for your own profit, please do not make us pay MORE that what the Real Value is. Thats called day-light robbery from our very own pocket. And to all of the petrol dealers who are mainly malays, Just stop grumbling about price reduction and bla bla.. If you cant take risk and only think of earning, do not apply for that permit instead. Let a non-malay show you the way to do business and make a hell of cash out of your damn permit. You guys already got a huge chunk from the biased govt and yet still complaining. OMG, really cannot withstand these people. Just hope and pray that Msia would not be the next Somalia with the chinese and indians being the pirates along the straits of Malacca.

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